March 22, 2013

Sakura Mikuman - 桜ミクまん - 初音ミク×ファミリーマート

Sakura Mikuman - 桜ミクまん - 初音ミク×ファミリーマート
This spring Family Mart released, Sakura Mikuman (.Hatsune Miku de Sakura no Uta campaign), and it is adorable. Mikuman isn't nikuman. It's anman which is a dumpling filled with anko rather than meat.  Anko is a sweet red azuki bean paste often used in Japanese confections and deserts.

Life in Japan
Visit my youtube channel for more videos of life in Japan.
My Life! Life in Japan

March 20, 2013

マノミホ展 @ ZaZa City, 浜松市


@ZaZa City


Life in Japan
Visit my youtube channel for more videos of life in Japan.
My Life! Life in Japan

March 17, 2013

浜松がんこ祭 - 関学よさこい連 炎流 ダンス際 - Dance Festival

浜松がんこ祭 - 関学よさこい連 炎流 (兵庫県三田市) ダンス際 - Dance Festival

The Hamamatsu Ganko festival was held yesterday, 16th and today, 17 March 2013.  This is the 13th Dance festival to be held in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Prefecture.
They had over 125 teams, 4800 dances.
We went there today and saw some of the groups dancing and it was amazing to watch.

Life in Japan.
Visit my youtube channel for more videos of life in Japan.
My Life! Life in Japan

Nestle kitkat Wasabi - ネスレ キットカット ミニ 田丸屋本店わさび

Yes that is right. Kitkat Japan have made a Wasabi (horse radish) flavour of the kitkat. Check out the video to what I am talking about.


Visit my youtube channel for more videos of life in Japan.
My Life! Life in Japan

March 14, 2013

Spring is here - 春が来た

Spring has arrived and we had our first lunch outside.  The girls love to eat outside. of course spring is great. The weather is nice and lots of fun and interesting things happen over spring. One such event is the cherry blossom season which happens around the middle to end of April.  

Life in Japan

March 06, 2013

Dinosaurs - 恐竜 in Japan

Dinosaurs - 恐竜 in Japan
Yes that is right. I saw one the other day just watching the trains go by.  He didn't even notice me when I walked up to him and kicked him in the shin.  It was very scary.

Life in Japan

March 04, 2013

ひな祭り - Hinamatsuri - Putting the Dolls out Montage

Us putting up the girls Hina Dolls for the Hinamatsuri.  It took us over an hour to do. The girls love their dolls and go into the room every day to say hello to the dolls.

The Japanese Doll Festival (雛祭り Hina-matsuri), or Girls' Day, is held on March 3. Usually platforms covered with a red carpet are used to display a set of ornamental dolls (雛人形 hina-ningyō) representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period. Of course there are many different times of dolls which you can see in this video.


ひな祭り - Hinamatsuri

Life in Japan

Check out all our Hina Dolls

March 02, 2013

東京ディズニーランドパレード - Disneyland Parade Show

東京ディズニーランドパレード - Disneyland Parade Show
The Tokyo Disneyland afternoon parade.

Life in Japan